Health and wellness can be tough to accomplish in a world where we’re constantly surrounded by products that are filled with a long list of unidentifiable ingredients. By joining the Immunity Wellness Program, you’re investing in your health and taking strides towards natural living. We’re so excited for you! This program consists of 3 kits with various doTERRA products designed to help you sanitize while boosting your immune system. Within this kit, the common theme will be a variety of On Guard products. This essential oil blend is a combination of Cinnamon Bark, Wild Orange, Eucalyptus, Clove, and Rosemary.

Immunity Wellness Kit 1
Your first kit will have a bottle of On Guard, as well as On Guard sanitizing mist, foaming hand wash and pump, toothpaste, and floss. These are simple products that are a natural alternative to household supplies you may use every day. Other products in this kit include these essential oils:
Essential oil blend of Lemon, Lime, Tea Tree, Siberian Fir, Citronella, and Cilantro. Great for purifying and cleansing.
Wild Orange
Immunity Wellness Kit 2
The second kit consists of On Guard softgels, beadlets, sanitizing mist, and mouthwash. The softgels, beadlets, and mouthwash can be used daily to provide an additional layer of protection as you live everyday life. This kit also comes with:
This essential oil can be used in water, in a diffuser, or as a DIY cleanser. Uses are very similar to that of On Guard.
Tea Tree
Tongue Scraper
Immunity Wellness Kit 3
The third and final Immunity Wellness Kit is complete with On Guard Touch, sanitizing mist, and wipes. On Guard Touch allows you to roll the oil on your skin, most commonly your feet, spine, or back of the neck. Other products include:
Essential oil blend of Lemon, Laurel Leaf, Eucalyptus, Ravensara, Ravintsara, Peppermint, Cardamom, and Tea Tree. Can be diffused or rubbed on your chest before exercising.
Frankincense Touch
Veggie Caps
Mist Holder
We hope you’ll invest in these kits and your health – it’s worth it!